Biomagnetic Pairing Therapy

With the help of powerful magnets, this therapy is used to alter the pH of the body to create an inhospitable environment for viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens that have taken root in the body. This lessens the workload on our immune system and allows the body to more easily repair itself.

With the help of powerful magnets, your practitioner scans your body for latent and current viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungus, and other pathogens that your immune system is actively working to fight off or keep suppressed.  The biomagnetic therapist checks your leg length to determine a baseline prior to your scan and then re-examines your leg length in conjunction with active areas. 

If there is a discrepancy in your leg length, your practitioner will apply the magnet’s pair to the area. This works to alter the pH in that area of the body, ensuring it is no longer a hospitable environment for the said pathogen. Overall, this therapy works to lessen the workload on your immune system, freeing up energy for the body to more easily repair itself. 

How can we help?

  • Neutralize pH and create an environment that is inhospitable to pathogens
  • Improve your immune system
  • Target the root cause of the pain/disease rather than the symptoms

Meet your Biomagnetic Therapists

Biomagnetic Pairing Therapy Pricing

* Prices subject to change

Biomagnetic Pairing Therapy $125